Wednesday, January 17, 2018

pancakes all day

Last night I ate pancakes for dinner. It was absolutely frigid out, and I was craving something comforting, sweet, and warm.... Mr. Butter was out for a business dinner, so I made pancakes.  I arranged my plate, laptop, tv remote, and phone on my crosslegged lap, and tucked in to a few episodes of The Crown.
This has become one of my favorite recipes for two reasons: one because it so simple, and two it's relatively healthy. These are paleo pancakes, and they only have 7 ingredients (4 of which are optional spices/flavoring/blueberries).  I'm almost not embarrassed to admit I have these pancakes at least once a week, usually for breakfast but sometimes for a snack w afternoon coffee, occasionally for dinner, and ALWAYS w a slug of good maple syrup.