Monday, January 14, 2013

monday resolutions - a clean soup to start the week

sauteed broccoli w/ onion and garlic
If you're like me, every Monday begins with the promise of cleaner least until next weekend.  Unfortunately, the prospects always seem so dire.  Who wants to snack on raw vegetables in the middle of January? That is unless, of course, you're fortunate enough to be spending your winter in South Florida,  or the Caribbean (or anywhere warmer that it is here !!! ).

This soup, from Goop, is the perfect solution.  With all the healthy benefits of fresh broccoli and arugula, the flavor remains comforting.  Steamy spoonfuls of this soup, taste of warm citrus, punctuated with peppery arugula and bright broccoli.
 If you don't already subscribe to Goop, Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle publication, you should.  If not just for the recipes, but there is so much more to enjoy!  From the site, "Goop gives readers exclusive access to recipes, travel guides, fashion, wellness tips, cultural notes and more.".   With friends like Mario Batali, and José Andrés, how could one go wrong in the kitchen?  There is, however, more to Gwyneth, than famous friends.  She has already published two cookbooks, with a third to be released in April.  I've already pre-ordered mine!
Notes from My Kitchen Table - Gwyneth Paltrow

My Father's Daughter - Gwyneth Paltrow

It's All Good - Gwyneth Paltrow

Broccoli and Arugula Soup- serves 2

*note from goop:  This is a clean, basic approach to a soup that showcases the vegetable.  You can make this with nearly anything - including peas and basil, or zucchini, carrots and ginger.  In this case, broccoli is made a bit more dynamic with the handful of peppery arugula.

1 tlbs olive oil
1 clove garlic
1/2 yellow onion roughly diced
1 head broccoli, cut into small florets  ( about 2/3 lb)
2 1/2 cups water  -  I substituted low sodium vegetable stock for a bit more flavor
1/4 tsp of sea salt and freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup arugula
1/2 lemon

**I also included 1/2 avocado to maximize the creaminess factor.

Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat.  Add the onion and garlic and sautee for just a minute or so, until fragrant.

Add the broccoli and cook for about 5 minutes until the broccoli is bright green.

Add the water/ vegetable stock, salt and pepper,  bring to a boil.  Lower the heat and cover.
Cook for 8-10 minutes until the broccoli is tender.

Add the arugula and mix it into the soup.

Pour the soup into a blender,  OR use an immersion blender to puree.

**Add the avocado and continue to puree until smooth.

Add the juice from half a lemon and blend thoroughly.

Serve Hot -  garnish w/  lemon wedge.

Here's to a healthy start -  at least!

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